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Foto: kapuashulukab.go.id |
The specificity of Sentarum Lake is as a comprehensive freshwater fish habitat in the world. This area can be enjoyed with boating while observing the flora and fauna of the various types.
Unlike most lakes, the water of Sentarum Lake is black-reddish colored because the content of peat forests in the vicinity. When the rainy season teh depth of the water is reaching 6-8 meters. At the peak of the dry season, the lake area become a vast expanse of land that can be explored on foot or riding motorcycle.
Danau Sentarum National Park is located in the district of Kapuas Hulu, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. An area of 132,000 hectares, with the temperature ranging from 26 ° to 30 ° Celsius, with a height of between 37 to 40 meters above sea level (asl).
Coordinate point is located at 0 ° 39 '- 1 ° 00' N, 111 ° 56 '- 112 ° 25' East Longitude. The rainfall ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 mm / year.
Kekhasan Danau Sentarum yakni menjadi habitat ikan air tawar terlengkap di dunia. Kawasan ini bisa dinikmati dengan berperahu sampil mengamati flora dan fauna yang beraneka jenis.
Tak seperti danau kebanyakan, air Danau Sentarum bewarna hitam kemerah-merahan karena kandungan hutan gambut di sekitarnya. Saat musim hujan, kedalaman air mencapai 6-8 meter. Di puncak musim kemarau, area Danau Sentarum menjadi hamparan tanah luas yang bisa dijelajahi dengan berjalan kaki atau mengendarai sepeda motor.
Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum terletak di Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, Asia. Kawasan seluas 132.000 hektar, dengan temperatur udara berkisar 26° sampai 30° Celcius, dengan ketinggian antara 37 sampai 40 meter di atas permukaan laut (dpl).
Titik koordinatnya terletak di 0°39’ - 1°00’ LU, 111°56’ - 112°25’ BT. Angka curah hujan berkisar 1.200 sampai 1.500 mm/tahun.